Thursday, July 3, 2008

Proofread much?

Note to self: consider proofreading posts for spelling errors before posting. Haha!
(I'm so nerdy!)

After much deliberation...

...I think I should stick to my original plan. As of lately, actually, several months, I've been toying with the idea of nixing nursing school altogether and pursuing a career in medicine. Sounds lovely, right? Well, I've been hitting the net hard all day to find some answers. After all, school starts in just over a month so I better figure it out! Well, I KNOW I could do what it takes to complete the years of education to earn the title of "Dr. Jones", but, that's just it... years of education. I adore my family far too much to basically cut them out of the picture for that long... they are my life. In addition to the hefty responsibility that the title carries, I constantly interact with the numerous doctors that walk through the front door of the restaurant I'm a slave to (eh, it pays the bills). With the exception of Dr. Minh (an amazing, friendly, grounded neurosurgeon) the rest are just old farts, with an ego the size of Texas. Eww. Not to mention they drink like fish and many smoke. Double eww. I dunno, I just think I'd make a fantastic Nurse Practitioner. Smack in the middle of the two professions. This I can handle. No crazy years or salary. Just in the middle, and I'm soooo okay with that. So all day I was staking claim to my new educational goal to several of those around me... maybe hoping in secret that if I told enough people I'd just do it. Honestly, though, I'm sure they don't care that much, and it's my life anyhow, right? I'll make the biggest impact in the profession I choose, whatever the title. Okay, so no more soap box. NP it is. 
Oh, my lovely and oh so preggers friend Shannon taught me how to knit. I finished a scarf in 1 1/2 days. I better get started on Christmas! (I swear, no monogrammed sweaters! :) )
Louie is at the top of his game in puppy class! We'restill working on the whole "chewing issue" though. He swallowed one of my makeup sponged whole today. Not to mention he half demolished all of the working parts of our neighbor's borrowed lawnmower. ?!!! I know, what the heck, right? About 1 week left in the shop and $100ish bucks later, I'm thinkin' this pup better learn to rub feet in the near future.. earn his keep, ya know? ;)
Addi is hammin' it up as usual. My baby. Growing up too fast for me to keep up. Yet another reason med school is a no go. Shannon posted some super sweet pics of Addi on her blog. Love them!
My hubby is off and running on his new job. What a go getter. Show me the money!
Other than that, I'm still hitting the gym 3 times a week to get started. Wednesday I ran 2.5 miles straight without stopping (at the brisk speed of 5.8 mph... 25 min, not too shabby for a gal like me). Woohoo! 5k her I come!
Job is good. Summer break has been so nice. I've got my shtuff together.
Yea me.

Friday, May 23, 2008

It's late.

It's really too late for me to be blogging at this hour, but I'm feelin' it (and the glass and a half of red wine now residing in my belly). I have a CPR class tomorrow bright and early at 9am for 5 hours... note to self: nix the wine prior to saving a life if possible. (I'm hoping the dummy won't mind) Well, I'm not doing to swell on the summer goals thus far. Here's what's new: a lot, but not much. For a summer break I seem to have a lot going on. Getting ready for nursing school is a job in itself. My mom misplaced all of my vaccination records so I gotta undergo a lifetime of that mess AGAIN. Yes, all of my childhood immunizations! I'm sure that'll be fun :( I have to get health insurance (goodbye everything frivalous for me! It's so expensive!) I've already nixed my beloved Starbuck's & Shades of Brown lattes at $5 a pop... haircuts are down to $15 each. Clothes shopping- what's that? I still don't own one pair of shorts yet for the summer. Sigh. It's the sacrifices that will pay off in the end- I hope. Anyway, So long story short, prepping for the fall- takes a little prepping. Louie's on roll for puppy kindergarten. My gym opens this weekend. I also signed up for women's bible sessions for the month of June (Thursdays, with childcare-hooray!) I babysat Sydney, my 8 month old niece today. What a peanut! She felt not-so-great, but still offered up baby giggles when I sang Itsy Bitsy Spider and made silly faces at her. It was nice to have her, even though Addi was less that thrilled to compete for my undevided attention. I thought it was sweet:) No new books being read yet. I think that's it. I'm tired.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


So school is finished for the semester (all A's-woohoo), and I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. Of course, those of you who know me know I have an energetic, funny, strong-willed (to say the least) 20 month old daughter, Addison. She really keeps me on my toes! Just today I was trying to clean house, and she either wanted to stand in the exact spot I was sweeping or put her babies in the dishwasher-silverware rack too- as I unloaded and reloaded it. Funny, but frustrating. She's sleeping peacefully now, my hubby is working, and I'm having date night with my laptop. Ha! That's ok. Mine and my husband's opposite schedules will someday be a thing of the past as soon as we get through school [sigh]. Anyway, the whole 15 hours of my work week should give me some solid adult time, and my house should stay really tidy (here's hoping). So here goes... my goals for the summer before I start the grueling task of nursing school at OU tulsa this fall: 1) work out- maybe if I think it enough it'll come true. Sad to say I actually signed up for a new gym in town (not yet open) so my kiddo could have some social time at their state-of-the-art tot room... my priorities are a little off, but whatever gets me there, right? 2) Read books that will help me find inner peace (and 1 or 2 purely for entertainment reasons)- I just finished Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Loved it! Kind of a spiritual breath of fresh air. I love those books that make me feel... like summer. You know, the picturesque countryside, white sheets hung on clothes lines blowing in the breeze, sunshine, quiet, pitcher of fresh lemonade, and a wrap around porch... just feels good. That's what I imagine as my "happy place" anyway. Good solid peace. Reading suggestions are welcome. 3) Clean out the closets (and garage), maybe even have a yard sale. 4) Volunteer somewhere- hopefully the Children's hospital. I'm not sure what they'd use me for, but I'm sure it would throw some excitement into my summer, and I would absolutely love to do it! 5) Train my choclate lab Louie- we're off to a good start. He's 4 months old and can sit, stay, fetch, shake, and lie down. He has horrible leash manners though. Taking him for a walk is like doing some sort of akward dance down the block with him constanly weaving in, out, and around my legs... it looks pretty rediculous. 6) Spend more time with my nieces and nephews- My sister's 4 kids. Plus Addi loves the playtime! 7) Solidify my relationship with God. I'm sure this goal should've been number one, oops. I'm really starting to enjoy my church, and how I feel when I leave. It's that "summer" goodness I was talking about earlier. Also, my priorities have shifted dramatically since becoming a wife and mother... I'm sure some of you know exactly what I'm talking about.
So that's it for now. It's May 4th, so that gives me a little over three months to set my goals in motion. Tonight, though, I think I might just veg out in front of the tube. A little brainless activity never killed anyone. :)